Angel Oak Elementary

Angel Oak Elementary

Angel Oak Elementary School

Charleston County School District | Johns Island, South Carolina


Angel Oak Elementary School was constructed more than 30 years ago utilizing the “podconcept”. The renovations and upgrades to the existing school sought to reorganize the
interior circulation and improve the learning environment quality. Safety and security were
significant factors in reconfiguring this facility. Upgrades to the existing building included
code updates, new interior finishes to meet Charleston County School District design and
construction guidelines, and internal re-organization of the administrative functions. A
secured entrance vestibule and identifiable front entry improve this school’s visibility in the
surrounding community.
A 29,000 sf new addition was added to the existing building, which included six new
classrooms, group workrooms, restrooms, art, music and dance classrooms, and a multipurpose room. The performing arts instructional areas are located off the new multi-purpose room, with its own separate entrance for after school use. The site improvements provided additional visitor parking, an extended car pick/drop-off loop and additional playgrounds. The design was conceived as a part of a larger master plan to allow for flexibility and future growth as the campus expands.


The total project budget was $10.8 million with a Design-Bid-Build project delivery method. The project included several “add alternatives” to provide bid-day price protection and allow the school district to prioritize construction. All major alternatives where accepted and the project was funded, meeting its budget requirements.


This project was constructed in phases to allow for the school to remain operational during construction. The project was completed in December 2017.



Client Angel Oak Elementary
Date 2017
Architect AAG Architects
Engineering Thomas & Hutton (Civil), MMSA (Structural), Owens & Associates (MEP)
Contractor Cumming Construction Management, Brownstone Construction

Tega Cay Elementary School

Tega Cay Elementary School

Tega Cay Elementary School

“[AAG] has an unparalleled understanding of what it takes to get the job done right… The entire AAG team is committed to exceptional design while respecting construction costs and schedules – a benefit for any potential project and client.

“[AAG] is an innovative architectural firm, bringing energy and experience to design. I would highly recommend AAG to anyone planning a major facility initiative.”

Dr. Keith Callicutt

Former Superintendent of Schools, Fort Mill School District - York Four

Tega Cay Elementary School
Fort Mill Schools – York 4   |   Fort Mill, South Carolina


The project is a multi-story facility with approximately 121,000 sf serving a 1,000 student population for Pre-K through 5thgrade. The design develops a network of paths and outdoor features to support the academic and social life of this active, high-growth community. The orientation of the building takes advantage of the natural topography of the site and provides ideal indoor daylight. Academics are grouped into smaller communities, each containing flexible learning environments that are interconnected to larger shared areas of the school.

The overall massing of the school opens to a major thoroughfare, providing high visibility when entering the 21-acre campus. The building’s design builds from one-story at the periphery to two-story at the center of the campus, accentuating the school’s main entry. Grade-level play areas are distributed along the academic areas with a large recreational field and amphitheater at the front of the campus. The facility is connected to multiple pedestrian and bicycle paths tied to adjacent neighborhoods walks and gardens.

The school’s exterior is influenced by its surrounding residential neighborhood context. Large areas of glazing are provided throughout the facility, highlighted with bracketed overhangs and shading devices. The main entry of the school opens into a two-story atrium on the interior. Academic communities converge in the atrium through a series of interconnected gathering spaces. These large, gathering spaces host any number of events, promoting interaction and multi-functionality. An open stair in the atrium connects the first and second floor. A bridge overlooks the atrium, linking academic communities above to the gathering spaces below.

The school offers many extra-curricular and after-hours community functions. Larger, shared areas of the campus are organized to provide access to support their uses, while balancing safety, security, and flexibility of school’s learning environments.


Original Budget was $20 Million, Actual Cost was $18.78 Million. Approximately $1.2 Million in project savings. The design was completed in multiple bid packages.


Facility construction was completed in July 2014 for the FY 2014-2015 school year. The school was completed on time and under budget. The school was adapted as the basis of design for the new Doby’s Bridge Elementary School (completed 2014) and the new Riverview Elementary School (completed 2015).


Date 2015
Architect AAG Architects
Construction Management Cumming Construction Management
EngineeringLandDesign of Charlotte (Civil), Johnson & King (Structural), Owens & Associates (MEP)
Contractor Shelco Construction

Bamberg Ehrhardt High School

Bamberg Ehrhardt High School

Bamberg Ehrhardt High School

“After many interviews with various qualified architectural firms, it was decided by an impartial committee that the job be offered to AAG. From that day forward there has never been any doubt that we made the absolute best decision that was possible. All of the company’s personnel were first class… with unsurpassed dedication and commitment to the job at hand. 

“I am quite certain that there is no finer firm than AAG.”

Phyllis K. Schwarting

Superintendent, Bamberg School District One

Bamberg School District One | Bamberg, South Carolina


The Bamberg Ehrhardt High School campus began operation in the 1960s as a middle school. Significant additions in the 1980s converted it into a high school. Major code concerns were present, requiring a complete campus assessment and analysis. The redesign efforts focused first on correcting code deficiencies and out-dated systems. All HVAC systems were replaced with code compliant and energy efficient units. In addition to the myriad code concerns addressed, the existing school’s program was assessed. Major core areas of administration, cafeteria, kitchen, guidance, and athletics were reorganized and renovated to better serve the present student population. Administrative offices were consolidated to the front of the building and accented by an entry tower. To better serve as a neighborhood school, the facade was transformed from a low, monolithic form to one of varied materials and multiple heights. The addition of the cafeteria is balanced with the addition of an entry tower – clearly identifying the school’s main entry. Porches connect these two forms, giving the facade a new depth. Overall the new facility meets not only its operational and instructional needs, but also improves its relationship with the residential neighborhood surrounding it.

INTEGRATED PROJECT DELIVERY approach. Construction budget of $7.3 Million was met. Completely upgraded campus with new additions is approximately 108,100 sf.

Facility was completed in the Fall of 2012. Students remained on the campus throughout the school year, requiring a complex phasing strategy between all stakeholders.



Client Bamberg School District One
Date 2012
Architect AAG Architects
Engineering RB Todd (Civil), Johnson & King (Structural), Owens & Associates (MEP)
Contractor Thompson Turner Construction

Rollings Middle School of the Arts

Rollings Middle School of the Arts

Rollings Middle School of the Arts

Rollings Middle School of the Arts
Dorchester School District Two | Summerville, South Carolina


The new ROLLINGS MIDDLE SCHOOL of the ARTS project is located in a masterplanned development by Westrock (formerly Mead Westvaco) in Dorchester County, known as Summers Corner. Together with the development team and the school district, AAG Architect’s approach considered the school’s unique ART-INFUSED PROGRAM. The new middle school provides academics for its 750 student population along with Fine Arts, Dance, Piano, Choral Music, Orchestra, Band, and Performing Arts. As an arts school and a center for the planned community, a new +1,000 seat theater is included in the project. Additionally, a “black-box” style theater and outdoor performance areas add multiple opportunities to support this unique school. The new middle school was designed together with the new Sandhill Elementary School on the same site.


With more than 140,000 sf, the project was bid on budget.The project was divided into three bid packages: Bid Package 1 prepared the site for both school with clearing and grading. Bid Package 2 develops the elementary school while Bid Package 3 develops the middle school and theater.


The school is currently under construction, with completion anticipated for the Fall 2017.



Client Dorchester School District Two
Date 2017 (anticipated)
Architect AAG Architects
Engineering Thomas & Hutton (Civil), Johnson & King (Structural), Owens & Associates (MEP)

Westwood High School

Westwood High School

Westwood High School


“I can say without hesitation that AAG has become the firm that our District looks upon as a critical player in our future growth.

“AAG is an aggressive, innovative firm. They quickly grasp the vision of the School Board and the Superintendent, providing designs that are unique and striking in appearance but still practical and affordable”

Jack W. Carter Jr.

Director of Operations, Richland School District Two

“AAG provides excellent designs that result in buildings that are very functional, cost effective, and that will serve the test of time. From renovations to a new high school campus, we have always been pleased with their work”

Ed Watson

Director of New Construction, Richland School District Two

Richland School District Two | Blythewood, South Carolina


This new +330,000 sf campus for 2,000 students achieved USGBC LEED Silver Certification in 2015. The facility emphasizes the school’s PROJECT BASED LEARNING programs, organizing academics into “houses.” The distinction of academic from larger, shared area allows the Media Center, Gymnasium, Dining, Arts, and Theater to be used both during school and separately for after school functions or for community use. The school has a thriving ARTS INFUSED PROGRAM.

The main building is located on the site’s natural plateau, while the outdoor athletics and stadium are carved into the terrain of the site. Traditional forms inspire the exterior design with prominent towers at the two major areas of the facility – the visitor entry and the student entry. Stone masonry adds to the aesthetic of a collegiate learning environment. Regional and recycled materials were used inside and outside. Proper building orientation, day-lighting features, and a high performance mechanical and electrical system support high-quality learning environments in the school while respecting operational cost and a long-term sustainable future.


Original Construction Budget was $89 Million. Actual Cost of construction was $71 Million, $18 million UNDER BUDGET.


Campus was completed in the Fall of 2012, substantially under budget. Facility received USGBC LEED Silver Certification in April2015.



Client Richland School District Two
Architect AAG Architects
Construction Management MB Kahn
Engineering Power Engineering (Civil), Johnson & King (Structural), Owens & Associates (MEP)
Contractor LeChase (Building & Finishes)